A simpler, safer way to login using your mobile phone.
Startup beeme app and take a snapshop of qrcode of your beeme enabled website
Beeme qr code is visually unforgettable. Just use your phone to scan your way in to a beeme enabled site
Your phone, your identity. Pair and unpair with ease.
No fuss" loading and very quick login. Less than 3 seconds for the complete procedure
Works with your favorite mobile and any size/vendor pad
Register or unregister from any beeme enabled web site using the app or the web interface.
We value your identity, we understand concerns about security and trust. This is why we have a trustworthy location for your data. Connections are carried out over secure channels.
No mistake! A beeme aware site is easily identified by a very distinctive yet identity adherent QR code. Easy scan, easy action.
No password, no username to remember. Quick login with little hassle.
That's seamless! And the quiz is fun.
Issues our customers have dealt with
Driving directions